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any body ever used csc show control software or any like?


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hi all,

just wondered if any one has ever used a piece of software called csc show control or anything like it maybe g type, sfx or any other.

I have recently used it for play back and triggering desk recalls.

I must say that I have almost totally converted to using a pc for show control, but would really like to hear other peoples experiences, and to ask people to have a look on the net at ctr electronics site, where you can down load a demo of csc, and a quick guide, which covers most of what I used csc for.

I would be realy intereseted to hear peoples experience (particularly the bad ones), so I can see if this would be a way for me to go permanently (no more minidisk editing huzzah) for show playback.


cheers guys



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This, not so complex, search gives 71 hits for "CSC". I've installed Sound Cue System, but have yet to use it in REAL anger...


CSC search



just out of interest what was your occasion to use it, mine was being given a pc top of tech week that a sound designer had spec'ed and then going into having to plot and learn as I went, and still found my self liking the set up I was amazed!

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There is at least one blue roomer who uses CSC, but most seem to use SCS.


In the Wiki there is info on computerised sound playback tools. Note that many of these are not show control systems, they just do sound playback, but given the standard division of labour that occurs on typical shows, thats all most folks need.


CSC, PCStage and SFX (show control edition) are amongst those that are proper show controllers (and other things as well) that are highly useful when you have an atypical show and/or crew profile, or you fancy being out of the in crowd.

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