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Line array article


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Please may I ask your comments on an article I found?


I was searching the internet looking for information on line arrays and came across the following web page.




There are a number of other pages on the site that outline designs for line array cabinets as well.


I wondered whether other members here know anything about this site and if the information and designs are likely to be any good?


Thanks in advance.






A quick read of their treatment of line array theory suggests that the information is generally true, although it does take a slightly jaded viewpoint at times... There is real science and complex mathematics behind the horn designs, and it's not all smoke and mirrors!


I'll have a look at the designs later...




Interesting article. Good find!


Obviously it doesn't cover everything but it gives a good insight into what the various manufacturers have been trying to achieve with their various inventions (and copies!). I particularly liked the diagrams of the interference patterns. These clearly illustrate the problems with multiple-speaker setups and demonstrate the effect of frequency on these. As they say a picture really does paint a thousand words...




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