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Strand Offline into Wysiwyg


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Hey does anyone no if it is possible to get strand offline editor to spit out data to wysiwyg. This would be very useful when consoles are not available.

any info would be much appreciated. Thanks.


I know that some OLE's work with wysiwyg, as long as you are running wyg performance, through using a DMX dongle and a Wyg-it2 box, but my understanding of it is that you would need to have 2 machines, or one beast computer with 2 monitors.


I don't believe you can out put DMX from the strand OLE, but I might be wrong!, if you have x-connect then you can, but obviously you have to be connected to a console either via wireless of ethernet for that to happen.


My understanding is that the OLE is just that. An offline editor. It is the operating software with a default number of channels and network option is disabled.


Can't remember the differences in s0ftware between OLE and BACKUP PC except that in BACKUP PC mode you require a dongle (includes network enabled) so that with a node you can drive DMX from your PC. Hook it up to your wysiwyg and off you go. I've yet to witness it working with anything latter than win98 though. You may even be able to get away with a basic DOS PC. After all, thats what a 500 is. A power supply, pc motherboard and a clever user interface.


That's my bit for now.


Hello, Just an update to my previous post,


Its wysiwyg perform not performance (my bad, mind was else where) I am pretty sure you can use Hog PC to control wysiwyg so long as you have the right interfaces between Hog PC and Wysiwyg, as for other OLE's I'm not sure.


The main thing (as far as I am aware) that you will need to be able to do is, is to 'output DMX' so some sort of USB-to-DMX device, and then you'll need to be able to input DMX into wyg, (the Wyg-it2 box), I assume you could also do this using ethernet to DMX systems.




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