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Twankerette Sign For Hire - Where to advertise


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Hi all,


I know this is probably bending the rules a bit, but it is my first post :stagecrew: . Im a student at a school and we did alladin, for which we made a very groovy looking sign for the Twankerette with xmas cherry lights on 5 different channels of lighting.


Now having done the panto its sitting unused and it seemed a shame to just chuck it away, so where is the best place to advertise it for hire and if anyone here is interested in it here are some details:

8ft by 2ft

6 strings on 5 channels TW, AR, NKE, ET, TE

apart from the nke string each draws about 40w, all 15a plugs


Also roughly how much do you think we should charge people


I know I should really put this in the classifieds but they seemed a bit dead. :blink:




Peter Newman

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Moderation, 4/12/03, 23:50 - this topic is now locked, as it's not appropriate for the Lighting forum. The author has been asked to re-post his ad in the correct forum (Classifieds), and as soon as he does so this thread will be deleted.
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