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Zoom Octopar


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Debating whether to buy these, has anyone had any experience with them ? (I'm after something cheap and cheerful that can be controlled with DMX, to light a band, already got 4 movers and 4 scanners, just want some static light now, any other suggestion will be greatly received)



Click here!


Many thanks,



Edit: Link fixed, JSB

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I suspect at some point this will get merged with the LED Pars thread as this is what they are. The difference being that they are only 30 LEDs in each unit. So so take on board the comments about the PAR 56 units talked about in that thread. They mostly say things like, not bright enough for lighting, but good for effects etc, or good for lighting walls but not bands.


They do look like quite a good buy though, but I would probably use them to run as from behind, ie. something the audience to look at not to light anything up. So not what your requiring I suspect.



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Well, they are tiny - Par 36 - basically LED pinspots.

(about 11-12cm overall diameter)


For lighting the band itself - forget it - nowhere near bright enough.

For truss toning - maybe.


Overwhise, they would work well as visible effects backlight, where the LED is directly visible from the audience.

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Steer clear, the ethics of Zoom Manufacturing suck. They used to be known as source manufacturing, had massive debts, closed owing thousands to retailers.


In addition to this they were also known to use second hand components in new products.

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