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retro mic description


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If anyone was watching BBC 2 this evening , the programme about Mario Lanza , you may have noticed this mic.


In the clip where he arrives in the UK and is met at what I think was a London train station, by hordes of adoring female fans , a tv interviewer asks him a few questions using this mic.


Its a cast iron sphere about two and a half inches in diameter , with a hole on one side about an inch in diameter with a grill and presumably capsule mounted inside. Over the aperture there is a circular disk about three inches in diameter with a hole in the centre of about one and a half inches.


I found one of these once in a bottom drawer in a tech room at a London cabaret club I was working at , and was quite intrigued. I think I once placed it face down on the floor in an attempt to mic up a tapdancer. Cant remember how successful that was , not very probably.


Anybody got any ideas


p.s. no I cant draw

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