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"Copper Surcharge"


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I suspect many of you got the same thing, but in this morning's post I got a card from Canford saying that, form the 1st of June, they are imposing a 16% surcharge on all their cable due to a large jump in the price of copper on the commodities markets.


Personally, I only use Canford for specialist stuff or quick "emergency" orders (there are cheaper places for most stuff) but if anybody was planning to put in an order, do it today or tomorrow!



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The Canford says the usual - unable to absorb these prices, but they have mountains of stock, so that's an extra 16% profit on all stock already paid for. Announcing a 16% accross the board increase sounds like a great marketing ploy. CPC have new stock shown at variably different prices, as expected - I buy less and less from from Canford - I was about to order a load of mic cable - I can see it going in another direction!
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