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Biblical costumes


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traditionally teatowels and dressing gown cords......I seem to remember from primary school nativity plays....


And I have to work with this man!



All large costume hire companies will have an all purpose ancient History tat' section but you'll probably end up paying more than the cost of making them yourselves. Almost all clothing pre 1000AD is made of simple squares or rectangles of fabric, sewn across the shoulders and down the sides,with the fullness gathered at the shoulders and/or at the waist by a belt.


Your friend can also then have the costumes as she wants them, in the colours she wants, instead of relying on what is in a store.


Buy some fabric and get sewing.

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Our kid's choir just finished yet another musical set in Biblical times, and yes- dedicated moms sewed these in the manner mentioned. Though they are simply made, numerous outfits may take some time.


If I weren't so far away, I'd loan you some of our outfits!

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