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Looking for advice on a PA

Ash McD

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Hi ash,

a great question, but a couple of things you missed. How much do you want to spend, and what kind of music will be going through it?


Hi Paul :D.


Ok the budget is about 4k including mics and misc bits.


Hmm that's a tough question! It really is going to be anything from one guitarist and a drummer, to a 5 piece with a stage piano whilst occasionaly stopping off at suicidal death metal and rockabilly with a double bass!


Sorry for not exactly being specific! I hope that sheds a little light?


The equipment is going to be used by us to train up new sound engineers for the music collective so some failsafes to make sure the equipment doesn't explode would be handy?


Thank you :)

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When I was in Val d'Isere, skiing :) (ah remembers that most excellent holiday :D ) The evening entertainment was a band doing loads of covers and stuff and they had Guitar / Keys / Singer / Drums / and a pre recorded bass guitar track going through it.


They had a very similar setup, with a pair of 115s and a pair of 118Ss. Not sure what the amplifiers they were using were, but I was pleasantly suprised with the sound and it did have some welly.


I personally think they are good components, esp for the application. Not sure about the monitors, but I think a band that I've engineered for before had some yammies which looked very similar and they seemed to go quite loud without feeding back.


Can't say much more I'm afraid, appart from that I know another user of the 115s, which he drives off EP2500s and he is much happy.



On another note, it'd be a nice idea to flightcase the amps and pre-wire it and label it all up.

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I'd suggest a look at the HK range of active speakers. I think that they sound great for the money and are very reliable. A heavy Metal outfit that I am frineds with has a projector system, maybe a bit too big for your needs, but it does sound great.


4k, might not stretch far enough, but you can get some of it used.



As for a desk, I highly recommend the Allen and Heath Mix Master.


With all of this you negate the need for a crossover and amps.


If money is an issue then I'd suggest the Behringer --yes, I know-- Ultra curve. I had one and thouht it did a really good job.



That's my tuppence worth.

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... as I first thought when I saw there was just one amp on the list....


So either more amps are needed, or powered speakers be used for those...


I read it as it would be their amp of choice, not that they were gonna get just one, but that they were chosing that variety.

And because they've mentioned the use of a crossover, I believe they will be looking at getting more than one amp


But that was my interpretation.


Edit: oh I'd totally agree with Drowner77 about an Allen & Heath MixWizard - the 16ch version is so much more mixer than any other mixer that size I've ever seen or known about.

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Right, the system I've come up with:




Powered speakers and subs.




SL3242FX-Pro Eurodesk £362.25

32 channel mixer




JRX 112 M 238.05

Passive monitors times two.




EP1500 EUROPOWER £185.61

Amp for the monitors




CD 160 £178.71

CD player





Graphic EQ


So thats, £4462.39. Plus £150 for a rack case, brings it to just over £4500.


This is where you can all pick holes in something major that I've forgotten.

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I have a mate who wants to sell an HK Hercules in VGC If You are able to look in the second user markets you will find much road worthy gear at good prices.


Put a lot of effort into making the kit user proof so that some of it survives the usuall trashing of kit by people who are too pi55ed to care. --Flightcases, tamper resistant covers on the crossover.


Put some obvious places to put drinks BELOW the desk level -- Beer doesnt spill upwqrds as much as it flows downwards.

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Without going into detail, if you CAN consider second hand you would likely get a better system. £4000 would be very tight if everything has to be purchased new and would force you into some fairly unsatisfactory compromises. For example, I'd choose a good-quality used Allen & Heath console over the new Behringer if I had a choice. (And, no, I'm not a Behringer basher. Their gear is great value for money if budget pushes you that way...but can be bettered if you consider the second hand market.)


Second, and related, as suitable as the HK cabinets might be, purchased new I think they take too big a percentage of the budget and give you a mis-matched system in quality terms. Again, it's worth considering either lowering your sights or going the second hand route.



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My 2p


I've used the tops, desk, amps and crossover units you've spec'd, with a very similar type of sub by wharfdale to do exactly what you're asking of your system. I haven't used the yamaha monitors, we had some wharfdale active monitors in our rig. I think the speaker / amp / crossover / mixer setup will be fine.



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