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Change Of Pyro Storage Regulations


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MSER was introduced last year, not sure what the change is :S

Besides, the storage limits of 5kG max NEQ will very unlikely affect a huge number of venues other than large theatres with pyro-hungry gigs in progress!


eg - 5kG (acc to that write-up) is equiv to


41 boxes of 12 large theatrical flahes or silver stars;


28 boxes of 12 minigerbs


115 boxes of 12 silverjets


83 boxes of large silver airbursts.


Anyone here keep that amount in the cupboard????



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There is a lot more to MSER than just storage amounts (limits)...


Not least the fundamental way in which stage pyro should be stored now.


See (search) all the posts about this from last May (2005)


More info on Association of Stage Pyrotechnicians Site (ASP) here and ABTT site



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