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Beamover Problem .. any thoughts ???

Nik Taylor

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I've just taken another of our Sanyo projectors off the Beamover yoke (re-connected everything correctly) and it no longer responds to menu commands or the remote control for simple functions such as focus and zoom. This is the thrid projector that has developed this problem after being removed from the yoke - any thoughts?


As usual there's probably a simple explaination :D


thank you in advance,


Nik Taylor

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focus and zoom are both motorised functions involving moving lenses - maybe the internal connection for the motors has come unplugged... or maybe you just have a manual lens - the PL series have a range of lenses - some motorised, some not...


check the connection - round the lens assy there are 2 plastic brackets making up the case around the lens - undo 2 bottom front screws, pull bottom of fascia out a centimeter - it will then drop out - revealing 2 more screws - undo them, and the 2 screws on top at the back of that section of the cover - slide the top fascia forward about a millimeter, it will then lift off diagonally up and forwards (there is a bit of bracket preventing you lifting it straight up...


on the lens you will see a small motor assembly - the 4 wires from this run to a little keyed plug - that should be plugged into a matching (obviously) socket on a PCB fastened to the bottom of the case on the left hand side of the area uncovered by the fascia.


newer models have a sprung contact system - the lens has a PCB that the motors are connected to - this makes contact with a set of sprung 'needles' on the lens holder - this in turn has wires that go to the same place... so you don't have to unplug stuff every time you swap lenses.

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focus and zoom are both motorised functions involving moving lenses - maybe the internal connection for the motors has come unplugged... or maybe you just have a manual lens - the PL series have a range of lenses - some motorised, some not...



The projector has motorised focus and zoom and all the cables are intact and connected.


perplexing ....

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There is a menu item which allows you to turn on and off the 'Focus' text when the focus buttons are pushed. Usually under the last option menu at the end, called 'Display' I believe. Might go someway to explaining it.


Does the Beamover attach to any of the control ports on the Projector? I'm intregued as to why the machine would stop responding to the controls, unless the system was set up for control via the Beamover

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