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fashion show outside


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Hello there

I've been asked to design a fashion show from the lighting and set point of view

and it is to be outside in our school grounds.

does anyone have any advice on setting up such styles of show and what lanterns would be the best to use etc?



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As in lighting outside in the daytime, or the night time?


Daytime - after doing 93 million miles, the sun is still loads brighter than whatever you have. If it is a sunny day, then the best you can do without having mega budgets is try to fill in the shadows - effectively using the sun as the key, and then using whatever kit you have to fill in the dark bits. CT blue may help it blend. If it is overcast then things look very flat and you need key - but to be effective you need to go very bright.


Outside the main snag is what happens if it rains - you either cover everything and stop the water getting to it, or have a simple rig that can be taken indoors.


Until dusk falls, whatever you do won't be efective - once it starts to get dark your lighting takes over. Aim for white light as even as you can.

So much depends on what sky hooks you have available.


give us some more info

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How close to the school buildings will it be and what is the height of the building. If close enough, you may be able to position the catwalk such that your main lighting can come from T-Bar stands on an upper floor (through open windows to avoid cracking the glass).


If hiring, consider HMI lanterns for their light output. Strand TV Fresnels will focus down to 6 degrees and you can hire a DMX mechanical dimmer if you want to control intensity. Their colour temperature also tends to be closer to daylight than Halogens are.

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cool thanks

essentially there is a long concrete path that is about 10- 15 meters from the nearest builing and they are pretty low i.e. one floor

I believethat we are useing the facade of our music block as an entrance to out side but this facade leads on to lawns where the event will take place so I was thinking about four t bar stands two either sides towards either end of the catwalk and then possibly doing something on the music block itself

I will find a pic of the area and show you soon

and it will be eveing till possibly late so that won't be so much a problem


many thanks


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thanks for that- regarding the section on colour the actual 'designs' are all going to be pretty much black ones rather like as on the Dior winter collection I believe.................I dunno. but I was thinking a mix of source 4s with fresnels the sources would define and fresnels to even out and possibly in those pros I might put a tinge of blue as mentioned in that link mind you this can't get too expensive as we would be on an extremely tight budget if one at all! :)

I am currently research exactly what we could have so will come back to you.

Along with this if I hired in four small dimmer packs to go on the stands could I conect them directly to my Sirrus24 desk to save on spending more?






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The big light in the sky RULES, Look at the time and date of your gig and plot times relative to dusk and sunset. in the hour before sunset the colour and angle of the light changes rapidly, is this to feature in the show, or are you to pick up where the sun leaves off or are you going to turn the floodlights on for the second half???


ANY competition with daylight needs 10K HMIs and LOTS of power, words like Arri come to mind.


If the runway is raised then the lights will need to be more so and you must ensure that the stands are suitable for 3 - 5 metre load bearing use.

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