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strand 200 memory card

Bart Van Damme

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Our theatre venue just bought a brand new Strand 200 24/48 control desk.

I noticed in the manual that this desk works with 32MB Compactflash cards.

But since cards that size are pretty hard to find, I was wondering: Does this desk also work with larger cards? (128MB or 512MB)

(I know, Strand probably sells these cards, but I guess these will cost a fortune compared with the compactflash cards you can buy elsewere.



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Somewhere on the forum is an old thread re: this issue - I think the end conclusion of it all was that you had to have one from Strand as the formatting of the card was such that a normal off the shelf one was incompatiable with the desk.


However, I can't find it now but I know it's there somewhere - try either the inbuilt search function or the Google one... Good luck!





Edit: http://www.blue-room.org.uk/index.php?show...l=compact+flash, maybe this well help (although seems some people had results with off the shelf CF cards)

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I've never tried a card larger than 32Mb in mine, but I'm informed that they don't work.


FWIW, the card I use in my 200 is a bog-standard Verbatim 32Mb CF card from Ebuyer (didn't buy it from Strand), and it works just fine.

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The Strand 200 will only work with a 32Mb card. The problem is not only finding one of the right size these days, but also one that actually works.


Apparently memory card manufacturers have been trying to push the speeds of the devices up as far as possible to cope with digital cameras needing to save larger pictures in the same amount of time. The result has been very few work with the Strand 200.


When I got mine a couple of years ago, I bought a couple of different memory cards from different places, when I found one that worked I went back and bought a few so that I had some spares. If you can find someone that sells 32Mb cards then it's probably cheap enough to still do this method, but if you want something that you know will work then you'll have to pay Strand's prices.



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Im sure we bought memory cards for our 200 desks of ebay for about £20 each and they work really well . Im going into the theatre in a while, il check and get back to you.






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  • 1 year later...

An old topic revisited!


Does anyone have a reliable source for 32Mb CF cards suitable for the Strand 200? All my usual suppliers seem to start at 512Mb and go upwards.






(Gareth: Do Verbatim still make a card this small? My research suggests "no")

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I'm not aware of anyone making 32Mb CF cards these days. My guess is that your only option is Ebay - 32Mb CF cards seem to be selling for very little money on there at the moment, so you could possibly afford to take a punt on a few and see if you can find one amongst them that will talk to your 200.
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