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dip switch calc for palm


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Hello every one


A few years a go I remember you could get a dip switch calc for the palm platform I have done a few searches on google and don't appear to be able to find it.


does any one have it as a file or know where to get on-line .




Mark W-E

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on the treo, go to calculator, toggle mode to advanced... enter your number, choose the pick list, select Logic LHS of the screen, and then Binary or Decimal from the centre pick list.... this is on the 600, yours may be different, but it's probably got the same functions....


for PPC, I still use a 6 year old Ipaq and do it in my head out of habit, but try


Pyramid peak software

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on the treo, go to calculator, toggle mode to advanced... enter your number, choose the pick list, select Logic LHS of the screen, and then Binary or Decimal from the centre pick list.... this is on the 600, yours may be different, but it's probably got the same functions....


for PPC, I still use a 6 year old Ipaq and do it in my head out of habit, but try


Pyramid peak software



Wow thats cool that will do for know but I would rather somthing a bit more graphics based just for those moments at 4am when the brain is starting fade a little




Mark W-E

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could I just respectfully add :) !! - while it is not the cherry on the cake you were looking for, it saves breaking the eggs




(read the trio manual page 93)



and while pete puts it less eloquently below, you have so much computing power in your hand, but like most people, the manual stays in the box - scared of the fact that a mere manual might tell them something that they didn't know, or couldn't work out for themselves

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could I just respectfully add :) !! - while it is not the cherry on the cake you were looking for, it saves breaking the eggs




(read the trio manual page 93)



and while pete puts it less eloquently below, you have so much computing power in your hand, but like most people, the manual stays in the box - scared of the fact that a mere manual might tell them something that they didn't know, or couldn't work out for themselves



Firstly --I dont have a manual got just the handset from ebay to replace a stolen phone




chill a bit while you might fully understand the subject some people might not - I said that the app already on palm was cool and would bridge a gap but I would much rather have a graphic based one as I had on a previous smart phone for ease and clarity .


there are thousands of people per day who read these post and there was a hope that of those thousands of people some one might have built somthing or know of somthing out there as there are some very talented people on here .





Have a nice evening


Mark W-E

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