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Lecture Demo on Diamond LX board

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Hello all


Got to give a lecture demo on a Diamond LX board in a couple of weeks and not really sure what to include apart from how to set up moving lights on it. The board available to me is out on loan until a few days before my demo so I can't get any time to play. Any ideas?



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How long?

Who to ?

What for ?


You might want to think about:


History and context

The design and philosphy of the desk - read Ulf Sandstrom

What is the desk designed to do?

Would you run a theatre show on it? If no, why not?

How does the desk tell you things?

What are the methods of input?


That's about ten slides...at two minutes a slide, that's 20 mins and you've not even got to how to actually do things with it................like making cues, palettes, libraries, groups, scriptfiles, midi, theatre playback (hahahaha!), shape generator......



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