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my fair lady

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I am working for a company that is performing my fair lady in my theatre in about 6 weeks time and was wondering how other people managed to get around the effect mentioned below, I have had a quick search but couldnt find anything.


With one mechanical apparatus, he is able to demonstrate the force of her h's. When pronounced correctly, a gas flame wavers - when her h's are dropped, the flame remains stationary.


my understanding is that the flame is supposed to move up and down from very low flame to higher flame.


also, does anybody know which embassy the ambassadors ball was held (there is a joke there im sure) :mods:

any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Last time I was involved with this show I think the dropped aitches demo used a candle. We certainly didn't have a gas flame.


I do remember that Prof Higgins had great difficulty lighting the candle one performance. Eliza ad libbed that she would find another box of matches for him.

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Depending upon the size of your theatre and the lighting state on at the time you may well find that the light from the alcohol burner (which is what she is supposed to be huffing over) is not really seen. Last production I did of "MFL" (last year) we used a battery operated unit. The actress flicked the switch quickly to simulate the flame going up/down (on/off). It worked fine and from an audience point of view looked fine.

Nick Handcock at SLX - 0117 937 9615 has a unit in his props package for the show - but whether he will allow you to hire just that burner I'm not sure.

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