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Features of Stage Electrics Strand Remote


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We have in our theatre the Stage Electrics version of the wired riggers remote for Strand Consoles (in our case a 520i) as pictured:


Recently I discovered the useful extra feature of the remote that by pressing '0' (acting as SHIFT) then '.' you could in put the DIMMER command. This gives rise to two questions:


1) Are there any other non-obvious commands on the remote? I haven't been able to find a manual anywhere, if somebody knows of one online somewhere this would obviously answer the question.


2) Is there a simple way of running macros from this rigger? In order to do DIMMER REPATCH after the above command I have set up a macro in the specific range required by a remote (860 from memory), which can then be accessed from the rigger using

M 860 *

This is slightly roundabout and a more convenient and obvious method (this is a student theatre so a lot of different crew come through) would be great.

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In answer to your question Yes you can run macros from the riggers.


Go into the Macros page on your console and at the top (if memory serves me correctly) there should be macros:


HH1, HH2, HH3, HH4.


These are macros specifcally for your hand held devices.


If you programme your DIMMER REPATCH Macro into one of these you should then be able to run the macros from the riggers



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In order to do DIMMER REPATCH after the above command I have set up a macro in the specific range required by a remote (860 from memory).



Perhaps I've misunderstood what you want to achieve, but can't you just do DIMMER DIMMER from the remote to repatch (everything)?



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unfortunately it's not that simple, as the button combination required does not work.


Does anyone have a manual for the riggers? there are loads of other hidden commands and I've never seen a manual for it yet.

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