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Patching Amps


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I am getting my knockers in a twist with this....


I have an amp that is powering 2 speakers........

I know I can't load the amp any more, but want to add 2 more speakers.


So, If I buy another amp, how do I patch them together?


ie. I want to use the outputs on both amps with the same signal going in!!!


I was once told something about "using patch leads" to connect the amps...

Is this right?


Help!!!!!!! :blink:



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Many amps will have a "signal out" connection which can be used to "daisy chain" a separate amp. Sometimes these are directly connected to the input, sometimes they'll be buffered.


If either of your amps has this facility, use it.


If not, make up a couple of Y-cables - most mixers (etc) will be capable of driving several amp inputs - they'll be relatively high impedance inputs.

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If you are just using the 2 amps it may be easier to run Y leads anyway.


If power fails to an amp with signal outs then it COULD! mute the output depending on how it is wired. You would lose the entire system in this case.


If you started adding more amps you may need to look at linking them together. This would keep things neater not necessarily give you a better sound.


Most corssovers and/or mixing consoles as Bruce says can drive several amplifier inputs. (ALOT more than 2 :blink: )

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