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550i Locking Up


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Over the last 3 months our 550 I console has locked up. Fortunately this has only occured during post show excercises. Both times the Report button was hit and then the lock-up occured immediately. Could not acess any feature only could shut down power and restat manually. Any suggestions on why this happened after havng the console for 6 years and never experiencing this. We do use a 510 for backup, neither time we were in sync with consoles.
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I have never come across this personally.


When you say:


Could not acess any feature only could shut down power and restat manually.


do you mean literally turn power to the desk off then back on and restarting.


I am assuming that you have not been trying to do anything out of the ordinary just before shuting down the console or for example saving a large show with lots of cues, groups and macros in it


Sorry I can not be of more help at this time



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How old is the desk, I have had a similar problem once on a older desk.


Seem to remember opening it up, giving it a good air dusting, followed by checking all cards were tight.


Then installed latest sofware.


All worked fine after! - lucky me!




PS Check it's not getting too hot!

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Check also that the console's cooling fans are connected and can move air freely.


I've had a couple of rental consoles recently where the processor fans (only on 'I' series consoles, I think) has become disconnected, presumably as the console's been moved around. The result has been quite an unhappy console with a tendency to lock up as you are describing.



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I agree with the processor fan problem

Have used a 520 over the past few years in a local theatre where they have had several problems with lock up (so much so I now take in my Leap Frog !!)

Apparently, not long after the desk was delivered the processor fan failed. Despite arguing that the processor itself may have been damgaged, the desk was returned having had a new fan. Repeated lock ups occured, my worst one was half way through the dress rehersal !! Even after re-booting, the desk hung during the boot sequence.


Strand have now changed the processor, and touch wood all appears to be ok



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