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Converting show file from Strand to ADB Phoenix


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Has anyone successfully converted a show file from a Strand 500 series to an ADB Phoenix 5?

The show isn't particularly complex - no moving lights, scrollers, or other attributes, but does make heavy

use of part cues.


Ordinarily, I'd just hire a 520 for the week, but I don't think we've got the budget for that this time round.





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I'm not familiar with the ADB Phoenix 5, but if there's a way to make it understand ASCII files, you could use Showport (available from Strand's website) to convert your SSF file into ASCII format to throw at the ADB.
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I'm aware of Showport - it's what I'd normally use when going from Strand -> ETC. I just can't find any useful

information about the Phoenix and whether it can accept ALQ files.


Oh, and Showport doesn't seem to like this particular show file - keeps crashing whenever I try and convert it, but

that's a whole other story ...



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