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LED strip lighting


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Hiya Techi types!

I was wondering if anyone out there could help me with a wee lighting query?

I need to find a light source powerful enough to light 6000mm high walls of a set (white walls) from a 12500mm circumference horse shoe shaped ceiling piece suspended above the semi circular set. The lighting source has to be as shallow as possible so it can hidden and not seen from the auditorium. And obviously the light source has to be a) bright as possible and b) bright as possible and c) dimmable.

Our LD's initial thoughts were to were to go with LED's to which I have found a company called LED Lights (nice name, can't think where they came up with that one??) who manufacture a product called 'Superflux' which seems great until the tell you you can not dim the thing!

Then onto HighLite who make very nice colour changing LED products but have not got the output we require.... Over to you... (Please do not recommend ropelight systems or non neon as these would be too wide a spread) I have a budget of around £1500

Thank you for any help and advice you give

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