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Finding digs?


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I've just got a job for the summer (woo yay!) and need to get my digs sorted - it's my first time working away from home (aww!) so any tips on what I need to ask when I phone the people on the digs list? I'm not sure what to ask so thought I'd post on here and see what comes back!





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depends what you are after. If you like being looked after and are not a party animal, then I wait till an old person answers the phone - they are often cheaper and they tend to look after you. You do have to listen to all their stories and watch tele with them if they're still up, but that always works for me.


You get a feel for how they speak on the phone after the first few calls. Ask how long it takes to get to the venue, not how FAR it is.


If you have a car, ask about car parking - some of these places are a sod to park near. If you need internet access, finding digs in an area full of families normally means you can borrow an access point free - lots of normal digs people won't let you use their phone, even if you promise to pay. Stage door during a show will normally be a good way to find out what some of these places are like - give them a ring and ask - they will say yuk, great, or don't know - which helps a lot. What part of the country are you going to?

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Cheers Paul!


I'm out in Oxford for the summer - I've got a list from the theatre company and a huuge list from one of the local theatres, so thought I'd ask for some pointers before I start phoning round! Daft question, but what do you usually expect from digs (e.g. room only? bills inc? etc)? Again, asking as it's my first time in digs!





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normal theatrical digs are essentially bed and breakfast - so you get a room, shared bathroom/toilet. Most nowadays have tv, but not all. They cook you breakfast - some will be a fry up only, others offer you that or cornflakes, muesli etc - expect toast. price doesn't mean too much.


Oxford is expensive compared to some - parking sometime quite difficult unless a long way out. most places 60-100 p/w is normal. They will give you receipts if you ask, most do it automatically. Some may let you bring food back and use their microwave or even use the kitchen, but a lot don't. Smuggling in a pizza, chinese or indian is a give away by the smell. Always best to ask. Most give you a towel, though I always take my own. Few do washing - so chatting up the girls/chaps in wardrobe is an important skill if you need your underwear doing!


Digs rarely take credit cards, most want cash, some take cheques but not all - depends if they have ever been taken for a ride!


The other option is an apartment - price wise usually only works if you can share with someone. I've just about got a small house for panto which I'm going to share - but its 360 a week - even divided between two this is still double what digs cost and you have to buy and cook your own food and do the washing up. Our sound man always spends his time in apartments, just likes it that way. Me I normally find a nice little old lady and behave!

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  • 2 weeks later...

dude try this site out, www.showdigs.co.uk, (or .com cant remember!)

you can search for digs by town or venue, and its been recomended to me a number of times.

might be worth a try.



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