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Pictures of Pixelline 1044's


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Hi All,


I've been trying to find a couple of half decent pictures featuring pixelline battens in action. There are plenty of pictures floating around of large quantities of battens taken from quite a distance (a la Basement Jaxx) but I need an image featuring one or two battens, preferably rigged vertically (a la 'Stars in their Eyes') to show someone the sort of visual effects they produce.


I've had a good trawl through the 'Show your show' thread, the Stagelink galleries and google, all to no avail. Worst case scenario, I'll have to go and borrow one to photograph, but if anyone has any images they would be willing to share it would be much appreciated.



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Hi Rob,


I have plenty of pictures of chromabanks rigged in 'V' formations or a select few of a couple rigged vertigal.


I know you've recently had a browse through my website and the images on there... I do have more, slightly different, if you're interested??


Depending on what look you are going for you could use pictures of chroma banks rather than pixel lines... to give a vague idea??

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi rob. got a few pics of pixel that ive done feel free to use them


few pictures of them vertical. But not close up as they were audience blinders / lighting.






Pixel-line for an over the top mobile disco I did :huh:





if your still stuck tomorrow I think I have some on my pc at work

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hello mr don


I thought you would be to busy to be on here... :blink:


hows its going?



:huh: - Whoah! Time out. From the T&C's :

Please avoid using the forums for personal conversations, or two-way discussions which will only be of interested to the two people taking part - instead use the private message function.
Don and Nick, no more personal chatter on the forum - this isn't the Light Network, you know. Take it to PM.
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