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cable udder


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Hi all,


I was hoping that one of you good people could help me out. I've been trying to find out what a cable udder is, I've searched the web without any success, but I think it could be the heat shrink sleaving that covers the outer insulation as well as the 3/4 individual insulated cores, thus looking slightly like a udder. If anyone could confirm that this is the case or completely wrong I would be grateful.



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Guest lightnix

No, I was sure I'd heard the term before, although it was a long time ago and unusual even back then (80s?); it may have been from an old-school Film/TV spark.


IIRC it described something similar to the product shown in the link - a multiway insulating boot for covering cable splits of one sort or another, kind of thingy...




It was a very long time ago... :huh:

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  • 1 year later...

Time to resurrect an old thread...


Are they a piece of formed heatshrink or something?


Does anyone know where to get these? Preferably somewhere that does small quantities, only need a couple. I've been looking and can't find any, but I feel I may just be searching for the wrong thing.

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