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what gates & comps have you guys got in your rack? and what do you like using? drawmer gates (DS201 & 404), bss / dbx compressors.. and of course a behringer or two?


gates I reach for a drawmer first everytime.. I know a lot of rock guys insist on the DS201 for the extra control, but I've always got on fine with a 404.


I find my dbx 1066 gets a little muddy on something with percussive bass - like slap bass or a picked cello.. and I like the 160's but find there can be a bit of fiddling to the balance of compression & bite (without messing too hard with Eq).


really dont like drawmer compressors.. too dulling. never used the 1960 or 1969 though..


never got on with KT compressors for some reason, but I know plently of guys who get a great sound from them.


like BSS, but not price seems a bit steep compared to stuff like the dbx 1066 etc.


behringer - for £100 or less you can't go wrong (unless you using it some A-list platinum selling vocal)


XTA D2?.. sounds great, much prefer this to the BSS 901.


thoughts please?


cheers ears!

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My preferred rack of dynamics (when I'm not on a digital board) is:

Drawmer DS201 Gates

Drawmer DL241 Comps

BSS DPR402 Comps

XTA SiDD is quite good, and I've used the C2 and G2 fine, but not regularly.


I don't like Behringers gates too much, but the Composer is passable as a basic comp.


We also have DBX 266XLs in the rack and I don't like them at all, they just don't seem very impressive especially the gates.





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I used to use (and very much like) Drawmer gates and comps, but since buying a couple of Yamaha digital mixers I rely entirely on the ones built into the boards.


Got a good price for the Drawmer kit too!



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Well my Outboard Rack is quite basic and it includes playback and FX too.


It has (From top to bottom):



HHB Burn-it CD-RW

TC Electronics M-One

Behringer Multicom Pro

Behringer Composer Pro (for Mix insert)

Behringer Ultracurve (don't really use this much)


I like my behringer compressors and am going to buy some more of them.

Gates are noisy though, but multicom pros are great.


eventually I'll probably get BSS or KT stuff, but I really haven't played with much. But I have heard many people like Drawmer stuff, so I might try them too.

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My rack is as follows (top to bottom):


Rack Light

Denon Cd + CDRW (handy for preshow music without disturbing the recording :off: )

Sony Minidisc (1U)

Drawmer DS201 x 2


Drawmer DL241 x 3

Drawer contaning handy bits and bobs for awkward moments

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we got some dbx 166xl's - and been pleasantly surprised.. cheap at under £150 unit mark, but sound better than the 266 or behringers.


see a lot of drawmer DL241's here.. I find them too dull.


BSS DPR402 - like a lot, but struggle with the price.


anyone had similar issues of 'muddy' with dbx 1066?

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I have been using dbx 166xl in my rack which is solely for vocals and guitar , the compressor is inserted into the respective channels, one side each, I find it ok but I have no experience of any others so I really dont know, and I have never used the gates, (is it usal to use a gate on a vocal channel or guitar for that matter?).

I have been advised that the 1066 is a far better sounding machine ,and was going to get one , however after reading this post I think ive changed my mind, would the bss compressor be as easy to use as the dbx? and is it really much nicer?



Any one??

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I can't let a thread on compressors go by without mentioning the TC Triple-C - intended as a mastering or full mix comp but brilliant on female vocals - well worth a try if you can pick one up on eBay.
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