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Most wastefull use of energy for theatrical effect


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What's the most wastefull use of energy for theatrical effect? Winner gets a nice warm planet(ice not included).


I regularly walk past the London dungeon, they have four large gas powered torches outside running what seems to be 24*7*365 whilst I admire it as an effect, I detest it for using more gas than four cookers going full-blast for nothing more than an effect(much as I like effects).


Whats the most wastefull effect you've ever seen?

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I've been involved with several productions that have taken alot of effort for an effect that was SOOOO important which after kinda getting it sorted / working / assembled was then cut. Prob so have most people but that might be for the thread Most wastefull use of energy for theatrical effect you did not see.


The Trocadero in London had some small moving lights above the escalators going up to the Sega? games floor. All were moving in sync but none had working lamps.

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I hate it when people use par64s as ghost loads for pinspots. The pinspots are lovely, but tossing away kilowatts of power cos you can't be arsed to used decent dimmers winds me up. Got a picture somewhere of half a dozen cans performing such duty in a storeroom.
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I saw a pretty good use in one of the malls over in america, they had about 30 movers in the mall, all in the roof, they got used to colour the place at night, which I must admit looked really good.


The waste of energy was teh fact that they kept them on with the lamps struck all through the day on open white pointing at the ceiling and they kept em on all through the nght after the place closed.


Utter waste, it was the same with all the par 64s they had, around 100. All on during the day, where they didnt make a blind bit of differnce to teh brightness of the place.

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I think the wasted materials in corporate and tv/film work is vastly more wasteful than any effect.


For example the energy that goes into manufacturing enough carpet to cover the floor of several halls at the NEC for a major trade show or a big agm, which is trashed on the get out and destined for land-fill.


Or a tv show I worked on recently, 4 *huge* skips full of clean, re-usable sheets of mdf, 3x1 and 2x4 softwood.




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Most Wasteful...


New venue in town, in a really old building - used to be the town baths and Turkish Baths etc etc....


They have some really old windows, about 7 or 8 I think, which haven't been painted or anything - so what better to do than light them up with some Metal Halide Floods, and then leave them on 24/7. hmmmm

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