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Mobile LCD Screens


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I have a suspicion that those would be lighthouse units in the trucks. I'm not too sure if lighthouse actually mount them in the vans, or whether that'd be a seperate manufacturer. The reason I say this is because there was a simillar screen at ISE in Brussels back in Feb. IIRC that was lighthouse.


The Barco unit is here..... It'll set you back in the region of £170k ex VAT. And it's only 10mm pixel pitch, which isn't really what you want for close viewing. You generally want to work on 1m viewing distance per 1mm of pixel pitch, so 10mm is good from around 7-8m viewing distance absolute minimum. So you'd be looking for 4-6mm pitch, and the inherent rise in price that goes with it.


Is this thread related to the one asking about who made screens in the back of trucks. Because if it is, then look there, and you find the Barco screen there too......

[edit]Yes it is! I have a sneaking suspicison that the mods should combine the two threads to save on the duplication of information.[/edit]

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Yeah its on there website. In the Contact Us page.

Tel: 0800 587 4694

thats the hire company...... I want the people who make the vans/screens,, the hire company will not give me the name of who they bought it off


My Bad

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