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Reporter PC Emulation ?


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Hi All,

We are currently using Reporter PC (original version) with our 21 CD80SV rack system. The new version called Reporter Pro still isn't working with our CD80SV racks, but Strand is working hard to solve this issue.

Since Mac has gotten the offline editor to work beautifully on an XP Pro desktop.... Is there a way to emulate Reporter PC the same way ? It will not run on anything beyond Windows 98SE and our current modern motherboards do not have a second DB9 serial port (Com 2). That version of Reporter will only function using the second serial port...


Any advice or info on this is sincerely appreciated...







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Note from the moderators : this member has deleted/edited several of his posts in a fit of pique. Apologies if it makes the thread harder to follow - we've reinstated what we can, but the newer ones hadn't been cached so there's nothing we can do about them.

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