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Bottle breaking in hand


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Hi, I have some experience with pyros (mostly body hits) and have trained with them extensively. However, I have been asked to cost a film and one trick is stumping me (well, a couple, actually, but one at a time...)


A bottle of Drambuie has to shatter in someone's hand, showering them in alcohol and broken glass. I have divided the gag into parts:


1. The bottle breaks in the actor's (stuntman's) hand

2. The actor gets glass and fluid in the face (rubber glass and coloured water from a Pango or portable compressor mortar)

3. reveal shot of the actor with several small prosthetics on face a la embedded glass, possible repeat of step 2 from this angle.


So, 2 and 3 give me no trouble, but 1... I'd be a little sketchy about putting a det' in a stunt bottle because it's in the actors hand, even something as small as a D801/16 but am I being paranoid? I figure that if I have them bolding the bottle above the point to which it is filled then the fluid will direct the shock of the explosion to the lower portion of the bottle.


Am I just going to have to pursued production to make the character wear gloves?




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I presume you are talking sugar glasss bottles? I heard that if you place liquid in a sugar glass bottle, they are so weak they cannot take it and the bottom of the bottle just falls off. I read that on www.theatrefx.com if that is any help. If you don't put liquid in there, then maybe just a Le Maitre ignitor would shatter the bottle?
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Then, if you are using fluid, what about the LM ignitor strapped to the bottom or the side of the bottle away from the camera? Is the actor holding the bottle by their side or infront of their face or where? Do you need to bottle to explode in all directions (sounds like you do) or just shatter?
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I'll be getting the bottle from Break Away FX, it's a type of plastic so the fluid won't be a problem. Same stuff they make fake windscreens out of


the plastic breakaway, you'll get from breakaway FX at shepperton is a night mare to try and make shatter (which is what I presume you want it to do), I would recommend using sugar glass with a D60-1 as they are flat and easy to conceal D80-'s are round and although small will stick out of the bottom.


Personally I would use sugar glass hot glue a D60-1 to the bottom of the glass away from face etc.. and then use a personal bullet hit pack to set it off the beauty of that is that there are no trailing leads and the wires can be run down the shirt of the user


If you do want to put fluid in the sugar glass bottle, then you can make everything last longer by laminating the area your going to fill up with a sticky back film this will keep everything together better, one tip make sure you score the laminate so that when the bottle blows it doesn't all stick together



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