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MIDI control of Sirius 24 Desk


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I have been using a sound control system call "Sound Cue System". The Program is runs from my laptop and has been very reliable. One of the options in the program says that it can send midi messages as cues so I was hoping to get it pressing the go button on my sirius lighting desk aswell.


Obviously it isn't working as yet and so I'm searchnig for advice.


Has anyone ever tried anything like this.


The other thing that might help is that the system only wants to send program change messages.



Thanks in Advance for your help.



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Hmm, I didnt think that the sirius 24, if indeed you do mean the Zero 88 one, has a midi port on it, I know it has / can have 4 anolouge outputs, DMX out, remote in, Goose neck out, audio in, and ac in, think that is just about in. Having said that you might be able to wire something up via the remote go button. Ill see what I can find out for you.


Right, just had a little search around and found this in the Blue Room archives.

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The Zero 88 Sirius 24/48 series doesn't support midi functionality at all. As already suggested, you could have a play with the remote go input.


Alternatively, an idea that's just entered my head: You could perhaps use 'Sound Cue System' to generate midi note-on messages routed to a midi instrument (a keyboard for example) the audio output which is then plugged into the sirius' audio input to drive the console's "Clic track" feature. This is an option available in super user mode, whereby an audio pulse in the 100-150hz region fires off the next scene in the cue stack (thus emulating the function of the go button).


Alternatively, using a multi-channel audio interface and routing an audio cue directly into the sirius from a spare audio output channel would achieve the same result.


A slightly mad idea, but in theory, it'd work (assuming you can generate an audio signal in the required frequency band).



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