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I am looking to hire a set of tabs. I need them to track open and swag in the italian fashion. I also need a matching pair of legs all in a nice velvety red/wine colour. Drop between 6-7 metres, width total 10 metres (ie 2 x 5m) Any thoughts anyone? Any good suggestions for companys? I am chatting to Acre Jean at the minute. The trickiness seems to lie in the rings for the swag - how would you describe these...? Located in Scotland but willing to pay courier rates so not a problem.


Hope you can all help.



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I am looking to hire a set of tabs.


Try Hawthorn Theatrical (Based in Leicestershire, so would be courier!), they can pretty much manufacture anything drape-wise and if they don't hold what you want in hire stock, they will more than likely knock it up (if time allows!) and add it to there stock! I've worked on an install they did which had exactly what you describe.


Also you could try: Blackout (Mentioned already), Acre Jean (You said your talking to them already), Cover it Up and J & C Joel's.






PS And a search on the site will probably bring up a similar list....

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I believe HSL in Blackburn have a set of red velour tabs, legs and header that they bought for the League of Gentlemen tour which should be about the right size. I'm sure they might be persuaded to add the rings.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I am looking to hire a set of tabs.


Try Hawthorn Theatrical (Based in Leicestershire, so would be courier!), they can pretty much manufacture anything drape-wise and if they don't hold what you want in hire stock, they will more than likely knock it up (if time allows!) and add it to there stock! I've worked on an install they did which had exactly what you describe.



They looked like they could make pretty much anything when I visited there aye. Whole separate workshop dedicated to it. The complete lack of feedback or any suggestion of feedback or indeed willingness to even talk to me after they had not selected me for a job was annoying though :blink:

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