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Strand 300 series problem!


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I have just come back from prolight and sound in germany (what a great show). Anyway to the point! One of my mates from college has told me the strand desk is ****. Here is the story: One of the other students has set the console up and then put the power and connected the cat 5 cable to it once it has been powered up. So all we now have is power coming from the console and its not going to the screen or into the actual desk itself, But when we started it up today the lights flashed up on the desk and then they went off again!


So is it possible anyone has any ideas or are/is having the same problem?


If so either add to the forum or pm me!




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If the cat5 patch cables were plugged into the console after the processor was powered up there may have been damage done. You could try powering down completely, and checking all the cables are connected correctly (check the jumper cables going from pannel to pannel of the console) then plug in a QWERTY keyboard in to the processor. Power up the desk and see if you can interupt the boot using ctrl+X failing that try ctrl+alt+del which should trigger a reboot.

One other thing, is it a Strand in buit flat pannel monitor or a generic computer monitor your using. There was a thing with the in-built monitors being dammaged if they were hot plugged.


PS There are four ports available to plug the colsole into the processor, try using a diferent one, in case there is a problem with the one your in at the moment.

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One of the other students has set the console up and then put the power and connected the cat 5 cable to it once it has been powered up.


I don't believe this - not ten minutes before I read this, I was clearing out some old paperwork, and came across the 300 install guide for ours (almost 3 years old now) and with it was a Customer notice sheet, the front page of which said "Please do not remove/replace CAT 5 cables whilst the unit is powered, as it can cause damage to some components"


<Cues music for the "Twilight Zone".....!>


Uncanny how some things occur when you least expect them!


:(: D: D


However, this points to maybe why you have a fault - I would suggest calling Strand Support for options

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Hiya guys


thanks for the quick reply. Apparently my tutor has rung and spoke to strand! They said that it should make no difference to what wether or not you put the cat 5 cable in first of last. But there is obviously a problem there somewhere! Thanks for the information will try it first thing on monday morning when I arrive at college!


cheers guys



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Not an expert by any means on Strand 300 series consoles, but to my mind if you can damage the internal electronics of the console bad enough to stop it booting correctly by simply pluging or unplugging a CAT5 connector then it's really poor design!


Do Strand 300 series use POE?

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Its not actually a CAT5 cable carrying ethernet. It is (I believe) the CANBUS protocol as used in the automotive industry - designed to reduce the size and complexity of vehicle wiring looms. Its basically a fast serial protocol.


The 300 series runs this over an RJ45 connector to attach the control surface to the processor module.




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