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Woman in white


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The content was designed and produced by Bill Dudley and his team, the technology was the achievement of Dick & Sven at Mesmer who worked with Digital Antics to create a whole new piece of kit to get the correct effect control which became known as the 'Mesmorist' over the content which was projected via six Barco G10ELMs (4 on stage, 2 on FOH bar fitted with VL moving mirrors).


The control room has servers from floor to ceiling (literally!) (9 active, 3 backup) and a split screen plasma to enable the operator to view all of the projected content simulateously. The projectionists get in really early in the evening to prepare for the evening show as without projection, there isn't much of a show!


Not sure whether it works for me creatively, but it is quite an impressive achievement.

I wonder how the American audience are going to take to it - they have had to change the ending apparently as the Americans cannot cope with sad endings!!!


Obviously all of the content is CGI - no filmic effects to be seen like the work of other projection designers such as Jon Driscoll etc.


Hope that answers your question!

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