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Martin 812 & Stairville DMX Master I & Midi control


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I have a pair of MArtin 812's that I'm controlling with a Stairville DMX Master I.

(This is for a small touring band's lighting and they are working to a small budget...)

I can set the Stairville to do everything I want - BUT - pan and tilt of the mirrors can only be acheived by using the faders and not the joystick. Using the joystick seems to have no effect.

I would like to be able to use the joystick to control the mirrors in manual mode to act as a sort of mini follow spot when the singer is talking and wandering around the the stage between songs - without the joystick this is not possible.

Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing something wrong? Do I need to set up the Stairville somehow?




Does anyone know if I can use a standard midi footswitch controller to change patches on the Stairville?


Thanks in advance...



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I don't know the Stairville itself, but is it possible that you need to load/use a particular "profile" on the controller to tell it to assign pan and tilt to the joystick? I would have thought that the manual should go through assigning a moving light to the controller.


And I wouldn't hold out too much hope for the followspot effect. There's quite a few threads on here about how people have tried the same thing, and the general consensus is that it's pretty hard to control, with not a great deal of accuracy. But don't let that stop you :(



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