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Strand Help: In your Pocket!


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So I was bored today, looking through some things on Strand's website.


I was reading the PDF for their quick tips kinda things. I thought, wow, this could be really cool on my iPod...


And so, I spent a few hours and made the PDF iPod compatible.


This is for the 500 series of Strand Boards with the newest software!


Download Here: http://www.hoys.extremepki.com/Strand.zip


Installation instructions:

-Your iPod must have a screen (no shuffles!) (Duh)


1. Make sure your iPod has disk use enabled

2. Open your iPod root (Mine is G:\)

3. Go to your notes folder, and drag the folder pages into it and all of the TOC's.

4. Eject your iPod and there you go! Quick tips right on your iPod!



Remember this is a beta, if you find errors please contact me!

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