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Cans of beer?


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I'm sure this topic must have been covered by someone sometime, but have done a search and not turned up what I wanted...


I need cans of lager that are opened on stage, the contents is drunk but not seen. I've had the suggestion of using non-alcoholic lager and doctoring the cans....quite time consuming and non-alcoholic lager is still pretty expensive as I need about 60 cans for the run and am, as ever, on a small budget! I saw a post in my search from someone who had contacted a brewery and got them to fill cans with fizzy water instead of beer...this seems like a genius idea and I was wondering if any old brewery could/would do this (with the aid of a wink and a smile), or whether I should contact the brewery that they used...I seem to remember it was Kestrel Super. So...all other suggestions welcome...


Also, I need 2 pints of lager that are both seen and drunk. Again, non-alcoholic lager is quite expensive and so does anyone have a recipe for beer that is drinkable but also has a head?


All suggestions gratefully received!

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If the contents are drunk but not seen, why does the liquid need a head - is the hiss as the can is cracked very important?


It's entirely possible to break the seal on a can such that the original liquid can be emptied, and a new one inserted (immerse the can in the new liquid), but so that the seal looks intact (just open the can the very smallest amout). You still get most of the noise of a can opening (tearing of the metal).

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I shall clarify.


In the first scene two cans of lager are opened and drunk. The cans need to look like lager cans and when opened it needs to sound like it has fizz and needs to make the tearing metal noise. The actors drink it, but it needs to be alcohol free, so can't actually be beer.


The second part about needing lager with a head is not related to the cans in the first scene...I also need to make 2 pints of lager, in pint glasses which are non-alcoholic but have a head as the scene is set in a pub.


I'm trying to avoid using non-alcoholic lager because of the expense of getting it in large quantities as I have a small budget.


The audience will be at very close range to the actors during the show (like about a foot away on the front row) so everything needs to look as real as possible.


Hope that makes it a bit clearer, thanks for replying.

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We had some success with making pints with a head on a show by making the 'beer' in advance (we used Soda Stream coke concentrate & water) and then making the head at the last minute. You'll need to experiment a bit, but if you put about 1" of lemonade in a mug/glass, add some squirty cream (the UHT stuff with a cap like Douglas Hurd's Spitting Image puppet), mix gently & spoon onto the 'beer'.


It starts to sink after a while, making the liquid cloudy, but does stick to the sides of the glass in a convincing way.


Good luck!

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If your audience are really that close the burst of APPLE fragrance as the cast open cans of LAGER will will say farce more clearly than a pair of dropped trousers.


For a static glass of beer use a golden brown lacquer inside a glass and push a thin circle of foam plastic in the top for the head.

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In the first scene two cans of lager are opened and drunk. The cans need to look like lager cans and when opened it needs to sound like it has fizz and needs to make the tearing metal noise. The actors drink it, but it needs to be alcohol free, so can't actually be beer.


I've seen something similar done - for a completely different application, which I won't go into here.



1. Purchase can of lager.

2. Purchase can of soft drink, same size as lager can. That may mean either using the small 330ml cans of (eg) Bud, or maybe a large soft drink can if you can find one - the only one I can think of is "Bass Shandy" - do you still get that?

3. Open lager, drink, enjoy.

4. With craft knife, cut off top and bottom, cut along seam to get a rectangular sheet. Caution: fingers are not a field-replaceable component. It may be advisable to pour the lager into a glass, but don't drink it until after you're finished with sharp implements. Hic.

4a. Optional, but probably advisable. Colour photocopy of sheet, then laminate, use that instead of original to avoid sharp edges.

5. Stick on to soft-drink can.

6. Robert is your mother's brother.


Having said all that, surely the cost of alcohol-free lager isn't going to be prohibiively more than the cost of getting the soft drinks, and then all the faffing around...



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2. Purchase can of soft drink, same size as lager can. That may mean either using the small 330ml cans of (eg) Bud, or maybe a large soft drink can if you can find one - the only one I can think of is "Bass Shandy" - do you still get that?


Yes you do still get that and you can get Cream soda in that size can too.

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As a liquid, how about Tesco Value beer? I can't remember what the strength is, but it's very low indeed. I believe it's below 2% abv. It also has the advantage of looking and smelling like beer (even though it tastes foul).
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It may be easier to use real cans of beer, and ensure the actors don't drink too much of it.


But some people may be unable or unwilling to drink for medical, personal or age-related reasons.


In some venues consumption of alcohol may be against license conditions.


And with some employers, drinking while "on duty" may be a sackable offence....

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