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Old carlsbro foldback needs a new cone


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Hi guys,

I've got some gigs coming up in the next few months where I'm going to be running out of foldbacks.. so I've pulled a couple of old ones out the store.. I've got a carlsbro foldback that was loaded with one 12" full range speaker.. this is totaly knackered.. somebody dropped it and the magnet broke off the back of the speaker.. and ruined it..


anyway.. any suggestions for a new cone? used to be 70w... but anything upto 100w will be fine.. don't want to spend loads on it though, as it will only be used once or twice a yeah..




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As it's quite low powered put in anything you like it probably won't be heard so won't matter . On a more serious note try the Eminence Alpha 12 or better still the Beta 12


I do mostly church services so is perfectly adequate! any bigger (louder) gigs we hire in..


cheers for the info guys, will probably go for an eminence Beta 12LT.. looks like it'll do the job for me..




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