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studiospares auditorium series speakers ?


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Hi all, has anybody out there heard the sudiospares auditorium speaker series? they look great on paper and are pleasingly cheap... I can't imagine Studiospares endorsing rubbish but I'd love a review before parting with hard earned cash!


any thoughts or opinions welcome



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purely for price and mounting options I went with the SS fortissimo 15's (passive). 2 best speakers turned you the next day. took a while to get them on the wayy but I have to say for plastic cabs the give a REALY good sound. a tiny bit bass heavy but with the right amp adjustment they are sweel as a bell.

I have had a pair of the auditoriums running in our venue there wasnt a huge difference to be honest.

Whats the application? venue size ect, live mucis + mics or just cd playback?

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It's a touring theatre show, the whole rig is about 14 speakers of various shapes and sizes but I need 4 fairly solid and powerful (500w is perfect to be honest). Being theatre there's pretty limited cash so the auditoriums look pretty good. They'll be playing back cd's, mikes and anything else you can name so all round performance is a bonus. The fortissimos look fine but I need something with a flat top as they will have dancers on so I have to rule out any of the molded style speakers... (although I admit it could be pretty funny!)


anyone else? any more thoughts?





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  • 4 years later...

I know this topic is old, but wanted to bring it back to see if there any recent opinions on the Auditorium range.



Not really looking to buy, but wondered if they were a cheap and viable option for Theatre-based work?


Anyone got some?

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I bought some, and was quiet pleased with them. I'd certainly buy more for a budget job. I've actually a deep suspicion that these are produced on the same production line as something with a brand name on it. If you search the specs and dimensions, you find very, very similar looking loudspeakers on a manufacturers website who moved their manufacturing from the USA to China a while back. The actual finish on these speakers is a very dark brown, not black. The ones I had were the 2215s.
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