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PVRs / HDD recorders


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Does anyone know of a reasonably priced Hard disk recorder with DVD burner that I can put a composite video source into?

Got a client that wants the show recorded but not edited, for no money, and wants it on DVDs for using clips on their website, so it seems (if practical) better to put it straight into one of these, rather than spending loads on tape stock and hours and hours capturing and burning footage that will probably not see the light of day again.


Any models or known issues gratefully received.




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I've got 3 at work used for off-air recording (Yes; licenced!) and they all have composite in as a minimum (also S-Video). All have advantages, and disadvantages for my use but the Pioneer operation seems the most intuitive apart from titling. Panasonic and Toshiba follow in that order. Can't remember specific model numbers.


As to the cost; changing so fast I'd hate to think what I paid for the Panasonic only a year ago!

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Thanks Andrew,

They seem to be around the £300 -£500 mark at the moment and as for titling etc - the client isn't paying enough for me to worry about it.

The cheaper ones will probably do it and it means I won't be hassled post show, just give them the box and say thanks! It's still cheaper than the stock and time.

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