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Acme iMove 5S


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Hey guys,


I have a £1000 budget to spend on intelligent lighting for use at uni and I would like to get the most versatile fixtures possible.


The main use for the lanterns will be for a bop/disco but I would also like, if possible to make use of them on stage for theatre.


Does anyone have any experience with these Acme lanterns and can you tell me:


a) they are built well or really badly

b) whether 4 heads for £1000 will just cause me issues

c) if there is something similar out there that I can purchase instead



Whatever is purchased, once installed, will hang in the same place forever hopefully and then the head can be directed at either stage or dance floor.


Any comments/suggestions welcome.

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£250 fixtures can throw light in many colours with some patterns, that's about it. One of the biggest issues for me is the fact that they usually don't dim - so in a theatrical context, forget your fades and builds and subtlety. Best you usually get is a gobo wheel that does a fast rotate to a blank position for 'off'. Other than that, they are fine for light duty. A decent control can normally make them look ok. Longer term, then reliability, repairs and resale value might be important.
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aah yes - just noticed that in LightJockey - the only intensity options being "shutter open" and "shutter closed"


Any thoughts on alternate products that could be used as if I cannot find anything useful I think I am going to have to buy lots of 2nd hand VR-8's which are of no use in theatre (unless doing a disco scene possibly)

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The daddy-o's!!! Sorry, that says it all. There made by funky revolution. Very similar to the imove, £249. Also have rotating gobos. PM me for more details or go onto www.funkyrevolution.co.uk


I can see a shutter DMX channel, but no mention of dimmer?

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Hi, I own four of the Acme I-move IM-5s and they are dimmable.


There also very bright compared to some of the other acme kit like the rovers, we use them often next to mac250's and even on darker colours they look around the same as the 250.


The only down side to them is that there is the potential for DMX focus but theyve not taken advantage of it. Basically focus'ing is done via the menu, and channel 7 is 'non function' doesn't do anything at all.. that's my only nag about the units.


Their built fairly solid, but they are budget lights


Control wise, they have loads of inbuilt shows which would work fine for discos. Would you be running them off LightJockey? If your looking for another desk id recommend either the iLead controller or a showtec one as ive found there good for basic programming & the iLead is designed to run these lights.


One thing though, be sure that wherever you buy them from is selling you the proper Acme/Prolight Imove IM-5s, not the previous spot knight units, some people haven't seemed to catch on that the units are very different! I bought a package of 4, 2 of the units were the old spotknights, 2 were IM-5s's :)



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My plan would be to run them off some form of open source Light Jockey as I don't have the 1200 or so to get LJ even though its an awesome bit of software + hardware.


If they are dimmable then that makes me happier - im just going by what LJ says about the fixtures and am just curious as to what they can/cant do.


How long have you had them and have you had any problems with them???

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Hi, try sunlight, it takes a while to setup the visualiser but if your doing discos, theres no need. The full softwares free to download and the dongles dead cheap. There is a fixture profile for the heads already installed too.


Ive had them for a few months now. Not one problem, only one lamp out of the 4 has had to be changed. and that was because the unit was 'put' :) into its flightcase a bit hard after only just being powered down.


Id recommend you try find some flight cases or build some like me, as the boxed will start to get tatty and the poly' will start crack pretty quickly.


Any other questions?



Glad to help,



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Hi! im luis from Argentina.

I own 4 DaddyO. two cdm150 and two msd250/2. I bought them direct from the real manufacturer, in China. are a exact copy of Robe XT160.

im not used so much, but seems to be good units, and look really good.

some pics:





:wacko: Images changed to links to save any dial-up users.

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