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Part time Lampy needing help


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Hello There,


I Work for an events company in Hull and have been given the task of learning to use the AVO Asure 2000 with 4 Robe 575XT and 12 channels of PAR64. The desk and programming isn't a problem anymore as I've spent the last two days disecting it. The thing is I don't really know what to do with them. The back bar of PARs are "spots" CP60's and the front are CP62, which I'm using as colour floods. The scans are also along the back, making pretty sweeps and swirls in the haze, using the gobo's etc...


What I wanted to know is, are they any standards that should be used, for say, end of songs etc. Basically, I've got control. I just don't really know where to point them.






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There are of course no standards! Just experiment and learn. After all it is lighting design. Be creative - without rules you might come up with something unique ;) If you want ideas then just watch other shows, either live, TV or theatre. You know when you are a true LD because you will only be able to focus on the lighting in any of the above when other normal people will be watching the content. Furthermore you will find this worryingly interesting. (or is it just me? :) )


If you want some reassurance then your fixture placement sounds good for starters.

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