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Pearl Training

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give Lindsey a call at Avolites, They have pearls set up and a demo room with lots ot generics, the training I THINK is 30 pound or something,and you get lunch and a free laptop bag or t-shirt thrown in!


The training is done at Park royal in London.


The training is brilliant, couldn't advise it more.


Hope this helps



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This is basic training in how to use the desk. it is defiantly NOT 500 pounds, unless your going to be staying at the Ritz!?


if you needed to stay in a hotel then I suggest staying outside of london and just catching atrain in, the Avo place is a ten minute walk from the Parky royalk station, I beleive there are directions on there site


More info here


Hope this helps



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Gawd, your tutor has no clue whatsoever regarding one-day training courses.

These courses primarily exist to sell consoles (or get hires) as nobody is going to spend £12k+ on a console they've never used, so they tend to be run as loss-leaders.


Avolites have done one-day training courses for years, and they've always been around the £30 mark.


They do two courses on the Pearl - Basic and Advanced.

Both cost the same, and it's very easy to get places on them - give Lindsey a call and enjoy!

She's really friendly and won't mind having a chat on the phone about your needs.


To be honest, I'd be very surprised if any one-day console course exceeds £100.


Maintenance courses would be around the £500+ mark, but they tend to be 3-day courses with a huge binder of supplementary notes.

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I went on the avo course the other week and would definantly recommend it.

They also offer student discount which brings it down to about £26, and with that you get lunch and (as mentioned) a T-shirt or bag.

They do a basic Pearl course and then offer more advanced ones at the same cost.

The nearest tube station in Hanger Lane and its an easy 5 minute walk from the station to Avolites.

All of this information is available from the Avolites Website.


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