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Sure LX4 radio mic receiver

Andrew C

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Does anyone know what type of connector Sure fit to the LX4 receiver? I think it is an "N" type, but it might be a PL259, but I don't know what the difference is! All I want to do is rack mount the box, so I need to get the aerials around the front... (If anyone wants to look at the connectors, and how similar they look, the Canford catalogue pg 102 shows both)


Oh, and the instruction book/web site is no help, I've tried that!

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N connector the centre pin is just slighlty thicker than a paper clip wire, a PL259 is approx 4mm diameter. The male N connector has a circular shield the sme size as a BNC. The PL259 Male has 2 teeth on the outer rim which engage in the notched rim of the female, whereas the N connector is smooth. I hope this helps.



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