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Selecon Pacific 90

Al Cain

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I am the lighting designer for our A2 production of The Caucasian Chalk Circle and want to create a circle of light over the whole of the stage as if it is the chalk circle. the stage is 8m wide and is a thrust by the image will not be on the thrust, but on the main part of the stage.


The only way that I can see to do this is to hire a Selecon pacific 90. I want to know if there are any other lanterns that will do this task or not. :g: has not helped.


Any advice greatly received.



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I should of thought that going down the lines of a extremely wide angle profile is going to be your only option really. You don't mention if your performing this in a school studio/theatre but I wouldn't imagine your not going to have any 5k circuits (which rules out my first thought of a 5k frensel)... How high above the stage is the lighting bars? If you can get a height, then you could use LD Calculator to work out how large a circle of light the Pacifiic 90 will give out from the height it's being used...


There isn't any wider profiles that I know about (any only one that'll match it when the S4 90 is on the market) so this is probably the only option I can think off for now.




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You don't mention if your performing this in a school studio/theatre but I wouldn't imagine your not going to have any 5k circuits (which rules out my first thought of a 5k frensel)... How high above the stage is the lighting bars? If you can get a height, then you could use LD Calculator to work out how large a circle of light the Pacifiic 90 will give out from the height it's being used...





We are in The Auden Theatre which is a professional theatre in the school. can't rember what hight the rig is at atm, but when I next go down, I will have a look.



Sorry, I meant to also say, that no, we don't have any 5K circuts.

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Hi Al

Stu is correct in asking for the height but maybe you should look at a 45/57 degree Pacific with a 1kw lamp to get the best output to beam angle ratio as a 90 degree can spread the light output a bit too far sometimes

good luck



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Could you hire a single 5k dimmer (or an ACT3)? A 90 degree pacific over that area won't be very bright.

Only other thing that springs to mind is a picture from Max Keller's book of a circle of light projected down using something like 140 narrow par lamps; worth a look.

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Two thoughts, firstly comprimise on the circular and make an octogan or a hexagon, using as many 50deg or wide zoom profiles as you have to spare. Soft focus them a little and you might get away with this. Or secondly use four or six profiles and custom gobos in each. This would be heavy on the budget, but would achieve the circle. Rosco/DHA can work out the size of the section of circle for each gobo if you tell the the lantern, beam angle, the height, and the size of image you want to create.

One problem with these routes is that is will create some odd shadowing as the performers walk from one bit of the circle to the next, if the circle will be on during the performance and not just in the preset for example.

Hope this gives you some food for thought.



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Hi there Al,

just read my reply to you earlier and realised I did a "typo" what I meant to say was a Pacific 45/75 degree prferrably 1Kw blu pinch lamp,

I have read the following posts and can only say don't go there, if output is an issue go either an 80v or a 575msr with dowser using either a 90 degree or a 45/75, a source 4 90 750w 90 degree is not even close, but worse still is using multiple fixtures to achieve a definable circular image...it is a nightmare it doesnt work ( I have tried this many years ago) what you need is a strong single source so either a Pacific or a 5K fresnel but be aware you will not get much more than 60 degrees with a fresnel so it gets down to dimmer vs output vs spread so your height is crucial, at the end of the day your call but really forget the multiple fixture option as it is a formula for mutiple problems and multiple cost.

good luck



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An alternative which if you have the appropriate bits works, is the following:


P252/ Cadenza / Toccata FX Projector


Empty slide mount or disc motor unit.


Wide angle lens 2 1/2" or 3 " depending on your throw


Beam Diverter Mirror.


It's also possible to drop a gobo in for other uses, but a modified holder is required.


Not really economic unless you have most of the bits.


Shane Guy

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We are in The Auden Theatre which is a professional theatre in the school. can't rember what hight the rig is at atm, but when I next go down, I will have a look.



Sorry, I meant to also say, that no, we don't have any 5K circuts.


Hi Al,


The Selecon 90 deg is a great lantern and will do the job nicely. You may want to consider hiring 2 and focusing them over the top of each other - this will give you a nice bright key light, which you can then fill with other light without washing it out.


I went to school at Gresham's so I know the Auden Theatre well :mods: From memory, the grid is about 4.5 or 5m high, if that helps you work out your beam spread. How are you using the space btw? Thrust, end-on or flat stage?


Good luck,



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Another Option you could try would ne a 2.5K PC there are a few about or talking to a colleague you could also try a short throw followspot such as a parny rigged straight down over the stage.


Just a thought.

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Thanks for all the replys. I am still to make up my mind but please keep the suggestions coming in.


At the momment the budget looks as if I have £30 left to play with out of £100.


Thanks for the advice and keep it coming. :blink:

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