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Lighting Control Problem


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Hello all,


Just looking some very quick advice. Running a show with etc express 125, which is working well as it is running mac's etc. It is also running to a WORK c72 demux unit which I have hired. The dimmers I am using are the Strand Tempus ones I'm sure you've all came across them at some stage.




Connect Everything correctly, fine, went to run something on desk for first time to test, no joy dead as a door nail. Checked demux unit it says it is getting a signal but still no joy. As far as I am aware I have all the settings right for the demux. When I switch off the Demux unit the channels that I have active on desk trying to light, come on very slightly and go out again immediately.


I plugged in my old Tempus Desk and I can get the dimmers working fine of it just not using the etc through the demux.


Has anyone any ideas.



Need a quick reply, have show on tuesday morning to do and have not started plotting.





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Thanks for that, just wondering trying to find out,


is the tempus racks -10v I thought don;t know why, that they were +10v the de-mux I have is switchable.

Can you confirm for me if the old tempus racks are +/- 10v


I would really appreciate it.





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I'll bet a pound to a penny that JSB is right and it's a control voltage polarity issue. Strand Tempus racks need a 0 to -10v control signal ... I'm not familiar with a "Work C72" demux, but I'd imagine that your problem lies in the fact that it's putting out 0 to +10v.


When you hired the demux, did you tell the hire company what dimmers you were planning to use it with, and specify that you needed negative outputs on it?


Edit : you posted while I was posting, Peter, so we 'crossed over'! But I can confirm for you that Tempus racks are definitely -10v.

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Listen thanks to everyone I will try that.


The demux is switchable between +/- 10,12,15V. I did tell the Hire comany what dimers I was using it on and they set it up for me. But have evidently got it wrong, I have not used these dimmers in a long time and I don't know why buy I thought it was +10v. Anyway will give it a whirl tomorrow.


I really appreciate help.


Thanks a million for advice.






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