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NJD Spectre / Martin 812 Controller


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Hi there,


Whilst I'm new to DMX cotrol, I'm an old hack at PA and lighting.

However, I'm having a few problems.


I'm using 2 x MArtin 812 Scanners with 2 x NDJ Spectres to light my band.

I have been using these in 'stand alone' mode with no problems.


Now I have purchased a Stairville DMX-Master I which initially I thought I could use to control the Scanners and this is fine. No problems.

However, I would now like to add the NJD Spectres to the controller to allow fading of the units, colour change, strobing etc.

But when I connect the NJD's (after taking the scanners out of the loop) they don't behave in the way I would expect.


Instead of getting brightness, colour and saturation from faders 1, 2 & 3 I just get a jumble of rubbish from the NJD's.


Now I guess it's because I am still new to DMX and I have not set dips correctly or something.


The dips on the NDJ are: 1-off, 2-on and the rest off.

I'm presuming that this sets the NDJ to 1?


Am I barking up the wrong tree using the Stairville DMX MAster???





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I'm afraid I can't remember what the dips do on the Spectre, but if they are the standard binary way of addressing DMX (and IIRC, they are) then what you have described will give you channel 2 not channel 1. DIP 1 = 1, DIP 2 = 2, DIP 3 = 4, DIP 4 = 8 etc. doubing each time.


This free software will help if you're useless at maths. :mods:

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The Spectre's are mighty weird for there addressing.


dips 1 & 2 set the mode (DMX or the remote controll)


Dips 3 - 10 set the channel, however, the units have a messed up way of addressing. Set your address (6 for example) on the light using dips 3 - 10. Now, on your controller set it to 8.


The unit assumes it has two extra channels (don't really know why) but it does.


Also, you can't address the spectre an odd number (because of dips 1 & 2 being used for the controll method) so the addresses have to be an even number.

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Hey folks, thanks for all your replies.

You were all right kind of...


Yes I've now worked out the bloody stupid address system - it is really weird and it took a long look at the manual to work it out.


Then I needed to use an inverted cable to make things work - Just like the Martin protocol swap pin 2 & 3 on the XLR.


So Now I'm up and running.


Thanks guys.

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