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What lighting desk could i use?.......


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It depends what you want to do with them and what your budget is! What sort of show is it?


I see that the Datamoon has 4 channels of DMX, and I guess that the Quartet is probably similar. At a squeeze you could probably run this off a simple two preset desk like the Zero 88 Level 12.


Step up a level, and you could go for an elara/alcora sort of thing, or if you want control of the NJD fixtures in a more conventional sense, then I guess the Fat Frog might be a good choice.


But at the end of the day, it all depends on what you want to achieve.


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Yep,I intend using them within a band context.

Ain't looking for anything too fancy just a little flashing from the njd's some wash from the pars in banks behind us and some dimming.

The NJD Quartets are not DMX btw.The Datamoons are.

What other reasonably priced effect lighting should I consider if not the NJD stuff?

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Ron, you asked exactly the same question here. Starting a new topic just to ask the same question that you asked two months ago is pointless, all it achieves is duplication of responses and fragmentation of identical subjects across multiple topics. Please don't do it.


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