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Wicked Rigging

Guest CodeCracker0291

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Guest CodeCracker0291

Hello Everyone. I'm working on a project and would like to know input on this setup. In my head this seems possible, but I'd like to know what everyone else thinks.


I'll insert images that I've drawn up. They're very simple and I think they'll convey the point. Ok. Thanks

Note: Assume my dummy weighs 100 pounds. ** laughs out loud **.








Let's see if this works.

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I'm going to assume that you're flying a person, given that you've put a speech bubble next to their mouth in the last drawing!! If so, the fact that you're asking if it will work indicates that you shouldn't do it yourself...here are a couple of people to get in touch with...


Flying by Foy


There's also a company called Freedom Flying but I can't seem to find a link and Google isn't helping!


If you only intend to fly a dummy, then yes, it looks like it will work :P

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Yeah following previously mentioned thought, you need to be very careful about the rules on flying people and the whole liability thing and insurance probs!!!


sorry to sort of put out your fire....:P


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Guest CodeCracker0291
Actually, yes, it's only a dummy. It's kind of a satire in a way. I'm just wondering if the dummy will rotate sideways or vertically. I don't think it'll twist b/c of having two wire ropes but I'm not sure about it rotating vertically.
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I'm just wondering if the dummy will rotate sideways or vertically.

**snipity snip**

I'm not sure about it rotating vertically.


It all depends on how the weight is distributed. I personally would have a play! get a puppet a see how they are supported, other than that do a google for puppets.


I would have thought if you put extra weight in the feet the whole dummy would "stand up"?


hope this helps



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It will swing and rotate - these cannot be fully avoided in any case.


2 lines is probably the most efficient way to minimize these.


Place your pulleys further apart than the support at the dummy - so when flown the lines look vaguely like this: \ /


Each line must be capable of taking the FULL weight of the dummy on its own. Don't forget dynamic loading.

This acts as a safety in the event of one line failing or being improperly clipped onto the dummy, and when swinging the load on the two lines is transferred back and forth between the two lines - this transfer is what brakes any swinging.


The difference in line angle makes a difference in the tension in the two lines when the dummy is hanging away from straight centrally between them, which acts as a high stabilising force in both the rotation and position domains.


The disadvantage is that if one line fails it WILL swing, so don't go too far apart.


The Centre of Gravity of the dummy should be dead centre when viewed from the top, and as far below the hanging points on the dummy as possible.

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