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National Exhibition of Entertainment Technology


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Hello fellow tech. freinds!


There will be an official industry launch of the NEET project at PLASA this year. The PLASA 06 SHOW will be at Earls Court from 10 -13th Sepember 2006.


I now have our website online at www.neetproject.org


If you might be able to help out with the stand at PLASA, please let me know as any offers of help and support will be gratefully accepted.


Kind Regards,



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  • 2 weeks later...

With all the new desks about it's easy to forget that they used to look like this...




...or this...




Jason is hoping to have some of them running on the stand at PLASA.

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Jason, it'd be really cool if you had some of the desks up and running on-stand at PLASA - I'd love to see an MMS fired up again!


A couple of suggestions for the site ... firstly, your page layouts (especially in the "view the collection" pages) seem to be a bit c0ck-eyed when viewed in Firefox - the captions break across two lines and are partly obscured by other pictures. Secondly, how about making the thumbnail pictures of the consoles into clickable links to larger hi-res photos?


Edited to work around a slightly over-zealous rude word filter : I wonder why it doesn't like the word for a male chicken? :wacko:

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I noticed on the Strand page there isn't an M24 - do you want one. I have a well used one lying around somewhere - got an ic fault, but if you want it it is yours.


PM me if you like - if you don't want it, I'll understand.

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I noticed on the Strand page there isn't an M24 - do you want one.
Funnily enough, NEET was donated one today by AC Lighting, but would love another, if nothing else the spares from that might be useful if the other one packs up!!


Jason, it'd be really cool if you had some of the desks up and running on-stand at PLASA - I'd love to see an MMS fired up again!


A couple of suggestions for the site ... firstly, your page layouts (especially in the "view the collection" pages) seem to be a bit c0ck-eyed when viewed in Firefox - the captions break across two lines and are partly obscured by other pictures. Secondly, how about making the thumbnail pictures of the consoles into clickable links to larger hi-res photos?



I agree with all your comments about the site.


Its all a matter of time really, but I will see what I can do over the wekend.


I know for a fact of several desks that I have already in full working order for the show.


Im not naming any yet, as I would like to keep everybody in suspense for the show!!!



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By the way, Jason - who's "Justin"?! (Open the image of the MMS in a new window and it opens full-size ... check out the pin patch! <_<) (Incidentally, where's the fader module that usually goes with the pin patch on an MMS??)
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I dont have a clue who 'Justin' is!!!! But well spotted anyway.


You win the I-SPY award this month, well done.


There are many more parts to the MMS, have only shown a small section of it here.






By the way, Jason - who's "Justin"?! (Open the image of the MMS in a new window and it opens full-size ... check out the pin patch! ;)) (Incidentally, where's the fader module that usually goes with the pin patch on an MMS??)





This would be a superb addition to the NEET collection, if you can get hold of it!!


Thank you for your support.






I might be able to get hold of the Light Console in my avitar, on which some channels and all controls are in working order. But I haven't seen it since 2002, as it had to stay at uni :mods:



Improvements & Additions to the NEET website, are being made weekly.


Please go and check out this exciting project at





<_< - unnecessarily large font removed. Normal-sized text is perfectly adequate for posts on the Blue Room, thanks.

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