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Advice on New Stereo/Amp


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Hi Guys


Havent been on here for a while, hope everyone is ok, and braving the snow!!!


Need a bit of advice. Im thinking of getting rid of my stereo. At present ive got a Sony, run of the mill, cd player/tape player/radio all in one midi system. I never use it to play cds as its all connected upto my pc and I play all music thru my stereo from my pc. I need to know what I should get. I listen to mainly dance music, so I want something that will sound clear and punchy. Ive got 2 x PA speakers - not sure of the wattage but they have 12inch Drivers and I know there quite loud as my friend used to use em for dj'ing. Ive also got 2 x eltax 150watt speakers and a 200watt sub woofer that used to be in the back of my car all connected to the same system. Now whilst my stereo plays it and it plays it loud I dont think I have got the balance right because my stereo is undersized. Whilst I dont want to annoy my neigbours as they are already annoyed I do want to benefit from the speakers I have.


Can anyone make any recommendations. Like I say im only listening to dance music & funky house etc so dont need to have anything special for classic music or anything like that. Just want it to be clear and punchy if that makes sense.





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